Same Day Discharge: Olympus’s Initiatives for Treating Enlarged Prostate

As our world continues to evolve and develop since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, outpatient procedures are becoming increasingly valuable to our health care system. Same day discharge not only benefits our patients but reduces the overall strain on our healthcare resources. Specific to the growing age of our male population, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), also known as enlarged prostate, is a common health issue facing this demographic. BPH therapies supported by innovative medical technologies can play a significant role in supporting same day treatment options and reduce the number of more invasive BPH procedures currently done in hospitals across Canada.  

For men with BPH symptoms looking for an office-based procedure with minimal side effects, iTind™ (Temporarily Implanted Nitinol Device) is a recommended treatment option. This technology can treat men with small to medium sized prostates. For men who are seeking an alternative treatment option to pharmaceutical therapy, who wish to preserve their sexual function and would like to reduce or eliminate the need for post-op catheterization, this is an ideal solution.  

For men presenting an increased need for surgical intervention, the Plasma Oval Button™ supports same day discharge for Transurethral Resection/Vaporization of the Prostate (TURP/TUVP).  

For patients who present with significantly larger prostate volumes, Laser Enucleation of the Prostate is becoming the new gold standard for same day discharge. As quoted by Dr. Naeem Bhojani, University of Montreal Health Center (CHUM), in Montreal, Quebec, “nearly 100 patients have now been discharged on the same day of their procedure after Laser Enucleation of the Prostate using the Soltive™ Thulium Fiber Laser System.”  

These technologies can help support health care providers and reduce current backlogs in the system. 

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