Surgical Instrument Optimization – Canadian Hospital Specialties (CHS) removes redundant work and helps prepare facilities for increased surgical procedure volume

Every surgical procedure requires a different set of instruments which then need to be properly cleaned and sterilized prior to next use. When instruments are prepared and then not used, valuable time and dollars can be wasted. Collaborative reviews with partner hospitals continually highlight:

  • 30 to 50% of instruments provided for a surgical case are frequently not used

  • Significant costs are incurred for staff, supplies & equipment needed to reprocess these unused instruments

  • Over time, instruments become damaged, lost or worn out and are not being replaced as needed due to tight hospital budgets

  • Many hospitals are managing with a limited supply of instruments requiring same day reprocessing and turnover for multiple surgical cases

  • Tight reprocessing timelines can lead to potential errors resulting in contamination, damage to instruments, and incorrect instruments and sets for a surgical case

  • Hospitals do not have the staff, time nor the tools to determine how to address this issue

Canadian Hospital Specialties (CHS) in partnership with Triangle Healthcare Solutions, is providing hospitals with a program to identify and remove redundant work associated with reprocessing surgical instruments. In addition to identifying efficiencies for optimizing reprocessing of surgical instruments, opportunities for custom kitting are suggested to ensure the right instruments are available for the right procedure at the right time.

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Série 1Virginie Martineau