Urgo Medical’s Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) treatment reduces the clinical burden for patients, and the economic burden for healthcare systems

Diabetic Foot Ulcer is a common condition that causes considerable pain and affects many areas of a person’s life. According to the Canadian Diabetes Association:

1)    Ontario had ~1.5 million inhabitants diagnosed with Diabetes in 2019;

2)    Foot ulceration affects an estimated 15%–25% of people with diabetes in their lifetime;

3)    1/3 of amputations in 2011–2012 were performed on people reporting a DFU.

Mortality rates within 5 years are high, with up to 50% dying within 5 years of developing a DFU. While prevention remains strategic, closing more wounds once ulcers have developed is instrumental to reduce the clinical burden for patients, and the economic burden for healthcare systems.

Urgo Medical has recently launched in Canada its UrgoStart range to help caregivers address this challenge. Studies have shown that this technology has an improved wound closure rate compared to neutral dressings, with a 60% increase of patients healed at 20 weeks vs. the control group and a significant reduction of time to closure of 60 days..Those results were confirmed in real-life data.

The interactive UrgoStart dressing is easy to implement across community, hospital, and long-term care settings since dressings are already used to treat those wounds. It has been well-received and considered cost-effective by international health technology appraisal organizations such as the NICE in the UK.

Urgo Medical is committed to support clinicians across Canada to make this treatment more broadly accessible and help patients with DFU heal their wounds.

For more information: https://www.urgostartplus.com/