Medtronic’s technology provides faster endoscopy management

The PillCam Capsule Endoscopy System is a video camera the shape and size of a pill that patients swallow, which aids physicians to detect digestive tract diseases. It has proven to be a safe, minimally invasive and clinically proven method for visualizing the small bowel and colon. 

Endoscopy technicians can perform tests more quickly using the PillCam, as patients can swallow the capsule and go about their day while the camera takes images of their digestive tract. This practice lets staff remotely monitor the patient's clinical status to prioritize care based on severity. The approach also detects lesions sooner, which could have a positive impact on clinical outcomes. 

In the U.S., the technology is sent out by mail, which prevents patients from having to travel to a hospital. This cuts down on waiting lists and speeds up diagnosis time so that doctors can determine the best treatments earlier in the care pathway.

For more information: CA-ET-0012-E-PillCamPoster.pdf (