Medline’s perioperative supply management programs improve turnaround times in the operating rooms

Medline’s Complete Delivery System (CDS) helps facilities simplify supply management by using methodologies to link people, processes, and supplies.

With the CDS program, all disposable sterile and non-sterile perioperative supplies are packaged in a single customized container for every type of procedure and surgeon. The result is quicker case-cart assembly and faster room setup. Clinicians get every item they need packaged, organized and ready to go. Supply management is simplified and picking errors reduced. Pick-time and organization of stock is also improved by using color-coded labeling and pack inserts.

Our numbers tell the story. The CDS program has proven to reduce items picked by 45%, case pick-times by 48% and set up time by 54%.  From an efficiency perspective, this approach reduces setup time, creates a standard of practice, improves storage, boosts productivity, and reduces waste – all while optimizing product utilization and clinical accuracy.

Medline surgical pack management programs take into consideration supply management challenges unique to every facility. It assesses the current situation to uncover new opportunities that will yield increased efficiency, reduce waste and deliver long-term financial benefit. These tested and proven, time and cost-saving strategies will help address the ongoing challenge of reducing surgical backlogs, staff shortages and will provide caregivers time to focus on their patients.

For more information: the Medline Peri-Op Performance Program™.