Thermo Fisher Scientific’s in-air pathogen surveillance system supports strong COVID-19 risk mitigation strategies

As the world learns to adapt and live with COVID-19, more entities are looking to use surveillance techniques as a layered approach to improve facility safety protocols along with vaccines, diagnostic testing, masking, social distancing and other mitigation strategies.

Air surveillance testing using the Thermo Scientific™ AerosolSense™ Sampler paired with PCR testing identifies the presence of in-air pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), in indoor air. Used in a number of venues from classrooms, offices, nursing homes to critical manufacturing this technology provides early detection to the presence of in-air pathogens with fast, accurate, and actionable results.

For rapid onsite results in 30 minutes after sampling, the collected sample can be tested with the Thermo Scientific Renvo™ SARS-CoV-2 Test. This rapid response time enables quick decision making and strengthening of risk mitigation strategies for communal locations and facilities. Strong mitigation strategies can reduce COVID-19 infections and the subsequent demands they place on hospital resources.

For more information: AerosolSense™ Sampler (