Vocera helps to improve patient flow and enhance productivity before and after surgeries

In partnership with Cuyuna Regional Medical Center (CRMC), Vocera (through the use of the Vocera® system) is helping to drive streamlined communication, improved patient throughput, and enhanced productivity for their pre and post surgery (perioperative) services. The Vocera system is a technology platform for clinical communication and workflow used at more than 2,300 facilities worldwide.

Having developed a unique and innovative surgical program that attracted top surgeons and accelerated demand on their perioperative services, hospital leadership soon realized this increased demand placed communication challenges on hospital staff and strained the capacity of their facility and resources. Due to space limitations, building more rooms was not an option. Driven by a technology-savvy team of clinicians and their commitment to excellence, the hospital uses the Vocera system to improve communication, patient throughput, and enhance productivity.

To quantify the value of implementing this technology, leadership conducted a study assessing the impact of streamlined communication. CRMC was able to show that a decrease in the distribution, frequency, and duration of events associated with delays in the perioperative area decreased cycle time by 5%, resulting in a savings of roughly 15 minutes per case. This time savings allowed CRMC the capacity to increase patient flow through the perioperative area by up to 253 cases per year. CRMC was also able to show that if they performed no additional cases, they would have the potential to do the same amount of cases more efficiently, at a labor cost savings of up to $133,179/year. In addition, by positively impacting communication speed and effectiveness, employee satisfaction measurably improved.

